Let’s Talk about “Monster Spray”
It’s very common for little ones who are around 2 – 2.5 years to actually become afraid of things.
Get Ready to Spring Forward
What can we do to help your Sleepy Star to adjust to the “new time”?
Potty Training Tips
This can be both an exciting and daunting part of your child’s natural development.
Advice to Help Your Little One Transition into Daycare
When your baby is newborn the idea of them starting Daycare feels as distant as them starting secondary school. Then bomb its upon you!
Clock Change: How to Ensure Your Baby’s Sleep Pattern is Not Changed
So, on Sunday the 29th of October, 2023 at 2am the clocks “fall” back. Here’s what to do in order to help adjust your child’s routine on to the “new” time.
Dealing with Scary Things at Halloween – Clock Changes & Costumes
This year the clock goes back on Halloween: Sunday the 30th October 2022 at 2am. Are you scared?
When is my child ready to …?
Many of the parents that follow me on social media send me questions that begin with “When is my child ready to …?” I don’t get time to answer all the messages I get so I decided to go through of the most common “When is my child ready to” questions here.
Dear Santa … All I want for Christmas is Sleep!
If you are on the move with your Sleepy Star over the festive period, here are a few tips to help you to protect your Sleepy Stars’ sleep.
Travel Tips
With lockdown easing – woohoo – many families will be on the move for a well-deserved little break.
Baby’s Wake Window Conundrum
Focusing on a child’s wake windows when it comes to routine can work for some. However, I often find that it confuses most and it may take longer to help your child’s body clock adjust on to a strong routine if all you are focusing on are the wake windows.
Bottle Feeding: Tips & Advice
Here is some advice and information that I hope you find useful if you are bottle feeding your little one.
How to Keep Your Baby’s Skin Healthy in the Winter
This can be both an exciting and daunting part of your child’s natural development.
Soothers and Snuggie Teddies
Soothers can be a very useful source of comfort for a child, but they can also contribute to disrupted sleep.
It Takes Two, Baby!
It Takes Two, Baby! I received some great feedback from my first blog, thank you. I’m thrilled to be able to reach more parents with tips to help them achieve blissful nights. This month I decided to give you some advice on how you can maintain a nice, calm bedtime...
Baby Sleep Advice: How to Avoid Early Morning Wake-ups
Baby Sleep Advice: How to Avoid Early Morning Wake-ups As the brighter early mornings appear you may notice your babies and toddlers waking earlier. If you would like to avoid early morning wake-ups then these tips are for you. There are a number of factors that can...